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Your Mindful Voice Workshop

Co-lead by Mindfulness Meditation Instructor Wendy Beckerman
and Vocal Coach Louise Taylor

Space is limited. Sign up through the Scheduling Button above or call 808-377-0218 Hawaii School of Voice

The act of singing can bring greater presence just like meditation. Both require focused effort, and non-judging awareness. Your Mindful Voice Workshop provides a powerful blend of singing and mindfulness practices to help you get in touch with your body, voice, and mind.

This workshop includes guided meditations and inquiry, group singing, and witnessing and/or experiencing profound shifts during individual coaching.
  • Breath and Body: Create space for dynamic and expansive sound vibration through conscious breathing, gentle yoga movement, and body awareness. Discover the body as your unique instrument of creative expression.


  • Listening: Connect with others through one-on-one and group listening exercises. Learn how to receive sound with more than just your hearing, but also with your body and emotions. Reach others with your voice through clarity of intention and presence.


  • Non-Judging: Notice and make peace with the inner critic. Release tension and resistance with simple techniques, and learn how conscious presence supports vocal ease, power, and tone.

Wendy Beckerman
Wendy Beckerman, based in the San Francisco Bay Area, has taught mindfulness meditation and yoga since 1998. She has a passion for living the practices and revealing fresh insights. Her clear, centering voice and compassionate guidance emphasize the richness of moment-to-moment awareness, and inspire a sense of community among participants. Wendy is also an inspiring singer/songwriter with 6 CDs recorded between 1992-2014
Instructors Wendy Beckerman and Louise Taylor met as singer/songwriters in 1991, and have remained close friends since then. Through their shared love and practice of singing, songwriting, yoga, and presence they have discovered exciting commonalities between mindfulness, vocalization and self expression. They started Your Mindful Voice TM in 2015, leading Retreats and Workshops in California and Hawaii.
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